The Challenge
The client is a reputed jewellery merchant with wide range of Gold, Silver, Diamond and Platinum ornaments. They want a virtual store in order to sell their various types of ornaments online so that people can buy the products without visiting their physical store.
The client wants the website to be enabled with advanced shopping cart and order tracking facility with attractive designs and user friendly navigations.
Report for the products, sale orders was to be in a perfect manner with options to export them into various file formats preferred by the client.
Angler team built an attractive website with flash banner enabled home page, advanced user interface and admin panel. The customers can view the products with visual effects (zooming, light box effects) such that they feel that they are viewing the product physically. Admin panel is developed in a simple manner so that any person from client side can manage the dynamic functionalities of the web portal.
Uploading of Products and their prices were made very much easier since the Gold and other ornaments have dynamic prices which vary on a daily basis and needs to be updated regularly. Also customer has options to buy gift cards for their preferred prices which can be gifted to their friends and relatives.
The website was built in such a way that any type of additional features can be included without affecting the existing functionality including payment gateway integration. Plenty of designs and products can be added by the admin and also categories and sub categories can be created and products can be posted accordingly.
- Virtual selling of Gold, Silver, Diamond and Platinum ornaments paved the way for the client to publish their unique designs and services globally to all the customers. Also it helps to increase the revenue and market the products available to the customers in an easy manner.